Our Mission
We are a church of faithful Christians called to serve God in this community through worship, witness, and work
We believe it is important for Christians to demonstrate their love of God by also loving our neighbors. We have several ministries focused on reaching our community and serving others. Our hope is that we can be the hands and feet of Christ and work together to bring God’s Kingdom here and now.
Our Ministries
FUMC Ponchatoula has many wonderful ministries that are open for you for to connect with and be a part of. From worship, Children’s Ministry, Congregational Care, and outreach, we seek to serve others and share the light of Christ’s hope to all people. Our Daily Bread Food Pantry feeds others physically, and our Veteran’s Breakfast honors our military. We host Al-Anon groups and Cursillo/4th Day Reunion Group. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact the church office.
Way to go FUMC! A big Welcome and thanks to our veterans as we shared an amazing breakfast and conversation.